Tourniquet Touch
Para regular de forma segura la oclusión del flujo sanguíneo durante la cirugía de extremidades
Interfaz de usuario fiable e intuitiva
Características especiales para la seguridad del paciente
Máxima calidad - "Fabricado en Alemania"

El Tourniquet Touch TT20 es un aparato de isquemia eléctrico. Regula la presión de los manguitos torniquetes, que ocluyen temporalmente el flujo sanguíneo y manteniendo así un campo libre de sangre en extremidades superiores y inferiores. Innovaciones en la facilidad de uso, como los botones de selección rápida o el sistema de alarma especial, simplifican el uso del equipo y garantizan la seguridad del paciente. La interfaz del sistema es fiable e intuitiva y permite un mantenimiento sencillo para el ingeniero biomédico (calibración, autodiagnóstico, prueba de fugas).

Tourniquet Touch TT20 con dos canales de manguitos
Para el uso con un manguito simple, dos manguitos simples o un manguito doble.

Tourniquet Touch TT15 con un canal de manguito y un canal de irrigación
Para el uso de un manguito simple y la bolsa de infusión.
- 8 pulgadas (800 x 480 pixel)
- Ángulo de visión alto (170°)
- Baja reflexión, mate, anti reflectante
Pantalla táctil
- Cristal de calidad suprema 100 %
- Limpieza y desinfección fácil
- Utilizable con guantes
- Ajustes personalizados de los valores predefinidos en la presión y tiempo
- Mantenimiento fácil (calibración, prueba de fugas, autocomprobación)
- Iones de litio (14.4 V – 93.6 Wh)
- Autonomía hasta 8 h
Canal de manguito
- Rango de presión: 80 – 500 mmHg
- Tiempo de alarma: 15 – 120 minutos
Canal de irrigación (TT15)
- Rango de presión: 50 – 300 mmHg
Puerto USB
- Actualización del software
- Archivo del protocolo para análisis del aparato
- Con asa integrado
- Material muy robusto
- Superficie permite una limpieza y desinfección fácil
Peso / Dimensiones / Tensión de red
- 4.5 kg
- Altura 186 mm, anchura 263 mm, profundida 226 mm
- Tensión de red 100 – 240 VAC

Botones de selección rápida
- Permite cambiar la presión o el tiempo con solo dos toques
- No requiere presionar flechas o botones de confirmación
- Facilita inmediatamente los cambios de presión durante la intervención quirúrgica

Tiempo de alarma
- Monitoreo preciso del tiempo durante la intervención
- Advertencia para el usuario cuando se alcanza el tiempo de alarma establecido
- Extensión del tiempo de alarma por 10, 20 o 30 minutos

TT20: Anestesia Regional Intravenosa (ARIV)
- Bloqueo de seguridad para reducir el riesgo de un desinflado accidental y evitar la perdida brusca del ARIV

TT15: Conexión canal de irrigación
- Canal de irrigación con conector dedicado para las bolsas de infusión a presión y evitar así una conexión errónea con los manguitos torniquetes
- La presión es monitoreada y ajustada constantemente, para la compensación de la perdida de presión causada por el vaciado de las bolsas
——Accesorios para Tourniquet Touch

Soporte móvil con cesta
- Asa para fácil de maniobrar
- Enganche para cable para colgar el cable durante el transporte
- Enganche para tubo de conexión para colgar los tubos de conexión durante al transporte
- Conducto de cable en el interior de la columna, para descarga de tracción y para conducción del cable
- Cesta con capacidad de carga de 2 kg
- 4 ruedas con freno (2 ruedas con conductividad eléctrica)
- Dimensionses: altura 939 mm, anchura 400 mm, profundida 400 mm
- Peso: 8.2 kg

- Posibilidad de poner una segunda cesta
- Dimensionses: altura 185 mm, anchura 377 mm, profundida 196 mm
- Peso: 0.73 kg
——Repuestos para Tourniquet Touch

Tubos de conexión
Para canal de manguito (TT20 & TT15)
- Tubo de conexión espiral, azul/rojo, longitud en extensión 3.0 m / 6.0 m, Material: Poliuretano
- Tubo de conexión liso, azul/rojo 4.5 m, Material: Silicona
Para canal de irrigación (TT15)
- Tubo de conexión espiral, negro, longitud en extensión 3.0 m / 6.0 m, Material: Poliuretano

- Con placa de sujeción para riel normalizado horizontal

- Con placa de sujeción para perfil redondo vertical
——Vídeo explicativo
——Informaciones adicionales
——Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What versions of the Tourniquet Touch are available?
The TT exists in 2 different configurations: The TT15 with cuff and irrigation channel and the TT20 with two cuff channels including the option of IVRA.
What are the recommendations for Service and Maintenance?
An inspection has to be performed once a year by a biomedical engineer. The inspection includes calibration, a self-test and a leak test. This can be performed through the device settings via the two options “Calibration” and “System check”.
Does VBM offer product training or training videos regarding the TT?
We will be offering product training in-house or on your site upon request.
Are the current cuffs compatible with the new TT-device?
Yes – all our cuffs are compatible with the new TT-device.
What is the pressure range of TT?
The pressure can be set in a range between 80 and 500 mmHg.
Which alarm time can be set?
The alarm time can be set in a range between 15 and 120 minutes.
What exactly are the so called “Fast-Choice-Buttons”?
“Fast-Choice-Buttons” allow a quick selection of pressure and alarm time thanks to preset values. Between 200-400 mmHg for pressure and between 30-90 minutes for alarm time. “Fast-Choice-Buttons” can be used at any time of the procedure.
Is it possible to extend the time after the alarm?
Yes – the time can be extended – either by 10, 20 or 30 minutes.
Can the factory settings for pressure (250 mmHg) and time (90 min) be changed?
Yes – it is possible to change the default values for pressure and time according to the requirements of the user. It is necessary to close the settings menu and restart the device after changing the values.
Is there an interface for a printer?
No – a printer cannot be connected to the device but you can check time and pressure of the last 5 sessions by clicking the history button.
What is the purpose of the USB-port?
With help of the USB-port it is possible for the manufacturer to read-out error codes. Furthermore it is an interface for software updates performed by the manufacturer.
Is it possible to operate the device with surgical gloves?
Yes – it is possible to operate the device either with or without surgical gloves.
How can the device be disinfected?
The Tourniquet Touch can be disinfected through a common wipe disinfection.
Which accessories are available?
- Robust mobile stand with basket, exclusively designed for the Tourniquet Touch
- Additional basket to increase storage place
- Coiled and smooth connecting tubing in different lengths
How long is the start-up time, including the self-test?
The start-up including the self-test takes approximately 30 seconds.
What is performed during the self-test?
The self-test checks parameters such as internal security features, voltage and device temperature, the supply of compressed air at the two channels, storage media, battery, soft- and hardware versions and the alarm systems.
What is the autonomy with a fully loaded battery?
Without power source and a fully loaded battery, it is possible to run the device during approximately 8 hours.
What is the IP code of the TT?
IP code of the TT is IP20 and therefore not waterproof due to its venting slots at the back of the Tourniquet which ensure appropriate airflow and prevent the battery from overheating. However, wipe disinfection of the housing is easily possible and not damaging the TT.
Which are the languages included in the TT?
The TT has been designed with enhanced user-friendliness and shall be mostly operated without a certain language. Although for the settings menu, various languages can be selected. These languages are as follows: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Czech, Polish, Turkish.
Will service for the discontinued tourniquets be offered in future?
Yes – service and spare parts for the discontinued devices will be offered during the product life cycle of 8 years.
Does the TT interfere with electrosurgical units?
The Tourniquet Touch fulfills the IEC 60601-1-2 Standard. Within this Standard EMC immunity and emission are tested by an accredited test laboratory (see IFU point 16: EMC Table).
High Frequency Electrosurgical units also have to fulfill this Standard. When activated these devices use a very strong frequency, e.g. during cutting which could cause interference with other equipment which is adjacent or stacked to the electrosurgical unit. It is then recommended to increase the distance between the devices (see IFU point 4: Safety Information).
What does it mean, when the On/Off-Button flashes when pressed?
It means, that the battery is very low and needs to be charged. Generally, the device is equipped with a special battery management systems to ensure that the loading gets monitored accordingly to the cells voltage of the battery. If this is low, the battery management system will only allow 10% of the maximum amperage (pre-charge current). This is meant to protect the cells of the battery. The consequence is, that the time for initial loading increases. It usually needs up to 10 minutes for the initial loading of the battery. In some situations and because of the low cells voltage and the intelligent battery management system, the time can be up to 100 minutes.
After the TT20 is fully charged, not turned on and disconnected from the mains supply, how long will it take until the power runs out?
The Tourniquet Touch can only be switched on if there is a certain "Minimum Battery Capacity". This level of charge gives the device the ability to run all necessary alarms mode.
When the device is stored, i.e. NOT connected to the mains and NOT switched on: Approximately 4 months can elapse and the battery is just over the "Minimum Battery Capacity".
In this situation the device can be switched on immediately when it is connected to the mains supply (ready for operation), or even switched on directly without mains supply.
To get the battery completely empty, it takes about another 0.5 - 1 month.
Finally it takes in total about 5 months until the battery is empty. Then you just have to charge for a few minutes until the device is ready for operation ("Minimum Battery Capacity" is reached).
These indications are valid under room temperature. Any other warehousing conditions might impact the values of battery capacity.
What else has to be considered?
If the battery is not fully charged (during a charging process), the device must be disconnected from the mains for a while in order to cool down.
——Temas y productos relacionados

Torniquete manual

Manguitos para torniquetes

Material fungible para torniquetes