
Crico-Trainer and Airway Management Simulators

Simulation is the ideal method for replicating clinical situation and contributes to improve patient care by enhancing proficiency of practitioners. VBM has developed a wide range of skill-trainers and mannequins with the highest possible fidelity to train all airway procedures.


Crico-Trainer "Adelaide”

The chin is moveable to train cricothyrotomy under more difficult conditions. The skin has two layers to simulate skin and cricothyroid membrane. Complete with 5 skins.

Crico-Trainer "Frova”

For practising cricothyrotomy and percutaneous tracheostomy. Complete with 10 skins and 10 tracheal structures.

Crico-Trainer "Animal”

For fixation of a real animal trachea. Complete with 10 skins.

Bill III Airway Management Simulator

  • Tracheal intubation
  • Supraglottic airway insertion
  • Mask ventilation
  • Fiberoptic bronchoscopy (if bronchial tree
    is connected)
  • Fiberoptic intubation
  • Video laryngoscopy
  • Inflatable tongue for Difficult Airway

Bronchial tree acc. to Dr. Nakhosteen

For connection to simulator "Bill III”.

Transparent Head

For demonstration and positioning of Laryngeal Tubes, with carrying bag.

——Application Videos

——Additional Information

Catalogue Airway Management

English / PDF


Airway Management
English / PDF

——Related Topics & Products

Laryngeal Tube LTS-D



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